What is the 6633 all about?
The Classic 6633 Arctic Ultra isn't just a race, it is an adventure and an expedition ending on the Arctic Ocean and experiencing some of the most extreme and beautiful landscapes on the planet.
Born out of a passion for adventure and the extreme, this non-stop foot race is a self-sustaining endeavour spanning either 120 miles, 250 or 380 miles. Participants in both races will traverse the Arctic Circle, enduring temperatures as low as -50 degrees Celsius.
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66 News
Our thoughts, ideas and general musings
End of one era and the start of another
A found farewell and a warm welcome... With the conclusion of the 2024 season also came the end of Martin...
2022 Yukon Edition Summary
2022, What a year!!! New Challenges, New Beginnings The challenges of last 2 years and the global pandemic nearly ended...
That's a Wrap! The first Virtual Series is complete!
When we first decided that the 2021 6633 Arctic Ultra would need to be postponed we had no idea...

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